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Bryant Investment 09-08-11


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Dear Sir/Madam.


I am contacting you because I believe that we can create a very lucrative business partnership, one of our clients is interested in investing in your country. The total amount of funds available for investments will be related to you as we advance on this communication.


Due to my client, political position, he wants this to be carried out carefully and very discretely. This means all the information we transmit during this transaction must be kept strictly confidential.


To fully evaluate your capability to handle this transaction, I will proceed to ask you the following questions.


i.    Are you familiar with handling large volume of funds before in the past? This does not necessarily have to be as much as my client funds.


ii.  Do you have bank account to accommodate these funds without raising any eyebrow?


iii.  Do you have any project (s) that requires funding? This may be an existing project or a future project. If you do, (Please give a short summary of the projects).


We will be asking for a more detailed executive summary if we eventually decide to work with you. This decision will be based on your answers.


Please do not be offended by these questions as we are not trying to undermine you in any way but due to the amount of funds involved, we just need to know if you are going to be able to handle this transaction.


If you are interested, please reply to this email. You should indicate your full name and contact telephone number so that I can get back to you with more details.


I hope to hear back from you and looking forward to a successful, positive and mutually beneficial relationship with you.


Please reply to my private email:




Robert Bryant.



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